On June 17-21, the Russia-Singapore Business Council held in Singapore a regular business mission of leading Russian high-tech companies. The mission was headed by Nikolay Volobuev, Deputy CEO, State Corporation Rostec & Chairman, RSBC. The mission was timed to the exhibition CommunicAsia-2019 and I Russian Film Week in Singapore.
The Russian delegation included representatives of such holdings and enterprises of Rostec as Ruselectronics, Concern “Sozvezdie”, Russian Helicopters, Technodinamics, RT-Komplektimpeks, Kamaz, as well as the management of Technopark Innopolis, the National Compliance Association, the international Prisma association, etc. Negotiations were held with local business associations, members of which are potential partners, distributors and suppliers for holdings and enterprises of the Corporation and members of the RSBC. In particular, negotiations were held with the Association of Radioelectronic Industry of Singapore, the Singapore Association of Semiconductors, the Singapore Association of Telecommunication Technologies, etc. The parties agreed on points of cooperation and strengths of Russia and Singapore, which will result in joint integration projects in the future, similar to the integration of RSTrade and CamelONE platforms. The leaders of the Singapore associations were invited to take part in the Innoprom-2019 industrial exhibition.
Members of the Russian delegation visited Singapore’s largest national Agencies: Singapore Economic Development (EDB), Singapore Business Development (ESG), Singapore Experience Sharing (SCE), as well as with the Singapore Business Federation (SBF). The key agenda of the talks with the agencies included topics and projects that will be discussed at the upcoming meeting of the High Level Russia-Singapore Intergovernmental Commission, which will be held in Vladivostok in September 2019. There was reached an agreement on a joint organization of a business mission of the Singapore companies by RSBC and the SBF. The mission will be timed to the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission and the Eastern Economic Forum. At the meeting with SCE, members of the delegation discussed the model for initiating international G2G projects by private companies, and with EDB – opportunities for participation of foreign companies in Singapore tenders.

At the meeting with SingEx (the Singapore equivalent of the Roscongress Foundation) there was discussed the cooperation of RSBC and the company in promoting the Russian enterprises of Rostec at SingEx events, including the 2018 Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific, which will be held on October 22-24, 2019 in Singapore . The international partner of the event, Hannover Messe, is the largest international exhibition of industrial technologies, which is a window to the future for thousands of visitors. Hannover Messe has become a global platform for topics such as Industry 4.0, energy efficiency and intelligent networks. It is the most important platform for technologies related to industrial transformation in the West, where the concept of the fourth industrial revolution came from. The regional analogue in Asia is the Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific 2019 exhibition.
The business mission also included a number of educational events. On June 18, a seminar for representatives of the management of a number of holdings of the State Corporation Rostec was held at the Centre for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects. The seminar was focused on the key aspects of procurement practice and the latest approaches to its implementation. The speaker was Fabian Wang, a prominent expert in the field of procurement management with more than 20 years of experience, an international expert, one of the most demanded in this field. The next day, a similar event for Singapore entrepreneurs was held at the Centre. That was a seminar of the Director for Procurement of Rostec State Corporation, Tatiana Gololobova, dedicated to the participation of foreign companies in government procurement in the Russian Federation. Such events, which are organized and held by the Russia-Singapore Business Council with the support of the State Corporation Rostec and other members of the Council, help to improve mutual understanding and intensify interaction between representatives of expert communities and business circles of Russia and Singapore, which is important when building long-term and long-term cooperation. These aspects are of particular relevance owing to the forthcoming conclusion of an agreement on a free trade zone between the EAEU and Singapore.

The Russia-Singapore Business Council seeks to establish interaction not only between business and expert, but also between cultural circles of Russia and Singapore. Simultaneously with the business mission of Russian enterprises in Singapore, there took place the Russian Film Week with the participance of such prominent filmmakers as Fedor Dobronravov, Vladimir Grammatikov, Alexander Kovtunets and Pavel Chukhrai. The opening ceremony and film screenings were attended by more than 3,000 spectators in total. Among them were residents of Singapore, tourists and diplomats.
Business, educational and cultural events held in Singapore on June 17-21 seriously contributed to the development of Russia-Singapore relations and made clearer the prospects for further cooperation. In addition to preliminary agreements on working on joint integration projects and organizing future business missions, there was made a decision on further cooperation in the field of culture. So, in view of the big success of the I Russian Film Week, it was decided to make this event annual. In addition, in October-December 2019 and in February 2020, with the support of the State Corporation Rostec, sport and cultural events will be held in Singapore, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Russian-Singapore Business Council.