14 Krasnoyarsk economic forum (KEF)

14 Krasnoyarsk economic forum (KEF) is one of the leading economic and business events in Russia, which will be held at 20-22 of April 2017 in Krasnoyarsk with the support of the government of the Russian Federation.

At the Forum experts from different partner countries will discuss prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia and will be introduced with the investment projects and business opportunities of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Representatives of the foreign companies will be offered to have business appointments with the Russian business representatives and the government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai with the aim of establishing new contacts and getting business partners for further cooperation with our region.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are pleased to invite you to take part in the 14 Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum . Registration is available on the official website of the Forum: www.krasnoforum.ru.

In order to get Business program of KEF and further information of the Krasnoyarsk Krai follow the link and click twice – https://goo.gl/fuYS5R

We also invite you to participate in the events that will be held during KEF – International Congress: Time of New Decisions and International Scientific Conference: Siberia in the 21st Century – New Development: Approaches, Strategy, Projects https://goo.gl/Z34tzv.